
Male Fertility

Male fertility isn't talked about much - but in the fertility journey, the man's health and physical state are just as important as the woman's. Labryo Fertility Center wants to make male fertility treatments as comfortable as possible, with as much empathy and professionalism in our consultations and assessments as we can. This is a safe space and you are welcome to ask us any questions.

Consultation & Evaluation
We aim to be empathetic, compassionate, and understanding during consultations and evaluations. We know everyone's different, and every scenario and situation requires different approaches to achieve your priority. 

Semen Analysis
Semen analysis is a lab test performed to assess and evaluate male fertility. It is often used when a couple is diagnosed with infertility or on the road to fertility. Semen analysis includes its movement, shape, pH, volume, etc. 

Sperm Washing
Sperm washing is a process after extracting the semen to wash away non-motile sperm, mucus, or any other debris to ensure high-quality sperm. It is also a process to increase motility to provide healthy sperm for a procedure like IUI.

Sperm Preparation
Sperm Preparation is exactly what it sounds like - the semen sample is diluted with a medium, and then subsequently reincubated until the time of fertilization. The swim-up method is also used most commonly - where it recovers a large fraction of healthy and highly mobile sperm.  

Sperm Freezing
Sperm doesn't live for very long outside the reproductive organs, so sometimes they'll be frozen to preserve a man's fertility in the future. It can be preserved through cryopreservation or vitrification.