Fertility 101


1. What exactly is infertility?
It's the medical diagnosis of the male or female reproductive organs being unable to achieve a pregnancy after 12 months or more of unprotected sexual intercourse. Usually, infertility is defined as if a couple is under 35 years old and still hasn't successfully conceived after routinely having unprotected sexual intercourse for a year or if a couple is over 35 years old and still hasn't successfully conceived after routinely having unprotected sexual intercourse for six months.  

2. How can I test for infertility? 
Labryo offers an extensive list of tests and treatments for infertility, including semen analysis, blood tests, hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, ovarian reserve testing, etc. Infertility is highly frustrating and upsetting for anyone who experiences it, and it is imperative to get the right support you need.  

3. What are the causes of infertility? 
It's important to remember that everybody is different, and the causes could vary from person to person. Some of the causes include egg count and quality, sperm count and quality, hormonal disorders and imbalance, reproductive organ problems, mental well-being, genetic diseases, STIs, etc.  

4. Can I still have a family if we're diagnosed as infertile? 
There are several ways in which you can still try, and among them is assisted reproductive technology (ART), which includes services like donor services, surrogacy, IUI, and IVF.